SDPPI Issues Decision No. 109 of 2024: Updates to Telecommunications Device Certification Regulations

Jakarta, November 21, 2024 – The Directorate General of Resources and Equipment for Post and Informatics (SDPPI) of Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) has introduced a groundbreaking policy aimed at significantly streamlining the certification process for telecommunications devices in the country. This new policy, outlined in Decision No. 109 of 2024, officially replaces Decision No. 11 of 2021.

The updated regulation seeks to expedite and simplify the certification process, particularly for international manufacturers, by recognizing test results from accredited foreign laboratories.

Recognition of International Testing Centers

Decision No. 109 of 2024 introduces a new mechanism allowing the use of test results from accredited international laboratories that meet SDPPI’s standards. This eliminates the need for retesting in domestic laboratories—a process that has previously been a significant hurdle for manufacturers.

The objectives of this recognition are to:

  1. Reduce certification timeframes: Acknowledging foreign test results will significantly shorten the certification process.
  2. Lower certification costs: International manufacturers will no longer incur additional expenses for retesting in Indonesia.
  3. Enhance the competitiveness of Indonesia’s telecommunications industry: By facilitating the entry of advanced telecommunications devices into the local market, the policy accelerates the adoption of cutting-edge technologies nationwide.

Alignment with International Standards

This move is part of the government’s broader effort to align national telecommunications regulations with international standards. SDPPI aims to attract global manufacturers to view Indonesia as a key market for their telecommunications products.

The decision also emphasizes transparency and accountability in the certification process while ensuring that devices entering the Indonesian market adhere to safety, security, and frequency compatibility standards.

Superseding Decision No. 11 of 2021

With the enactment of Decision No. 109 of 2024, the regulations established under Decision No. 11 of 2021 are officially repealed. The previous framework was deemed insufficient in addressing current technological advancements and market demands, necessitating an updated approach to tackle new challenges and opportunities in the telecommunications sector.

Positive Impacts on the National Industry

The new regulation is expected to bring several benefits to the local telecommunications industry, including:

  • Strengthening international collaborations between Indonesia and global testing laboratories.
  • Simplifying the importation of telecommunications devices from overseas manufacturers.
  • Enhancing the efficiency of device oversight, while maintaining high standards to protect consumers and the integrity of Indonesia’s communication networks.

Next Steps

As part of its implementation, SDPPI will publish a list of recognized international laboratories through technical cooperation agreements. Furthermore, comprehensive outreach programs will be conducted to ensure a smooth transition for both local and international stakeholders.

This initiative underscores Indonesia’s commitment to positioning itself as a responsive and innovative telecommunications market on the global stage.

Source: Global Validity

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